Our gender pay gap report 2020
The gender pay gap is a measure of the difference between men’s and women’s earnings across an organisation and the report provides context and data on this across a number of measures.
As Peninsula Care Homes employs more than 250 people, we are required by law to publish an annual gender pay gap report in accordance with legislation from April 2017. For the first time Peninsula Care Homes reached 250 people at April 5th 2020 and this is our first report.
We are committed to equality of opportunity. We value the diversity, expertise and passionate commitment of all our staff working across our care homes.
At Peninsula Care Homes our mean gender pay gap is 0.92%. To put this into context, the figures for the whole economy in 2020 (provided by the Office for National Statistics) were a mean gender pay gap of 14.6%.
The median gender pay gap at Peninsula Care Homes is 3.83%. For context, the figures for the whole economy in 2020 (provided by the Office for National Statistics) were a median gender pay gap of 15.5%.
At Peninsula Care Homes, even though our gender pay gap is small, we remain focussed on this important issue.