Keeping it in the family, with a passion for exceptional care.
We wholeheartedly believe in helping people to continue to live a full life as they get older, supporting them beyond their medical needs with exceptional care that enables and empowers.

This has been our guiding principle since we established Peninsula Care Homes in 2002. We now operate five care homes across Devon, offering a choice of residential care, nursing care and dementia care in both city and countryside locations.
We are, and always will be, a family-owned business.
This photo of Louise (Managing Director) and her son sitting in his great-grandfathers’ Morris Minor upon completion of its restoration, captures so much of what is important to us as a family. Values such as tradition, care and the next generation.
Our father, David Arnold (pictured above with his wife Isobel and their five grandchildren) spotted this car broken down in Totnes over 10 years ago. Instantly recognising his own late fathers’ car, he helped with its repair, subsequently bought it, and finally had it restored to its former glory.

Heartbreakingly for us, David died the week before completion of the restoration. But this story highlights much of what our family is about.
We will continue to invest in and nurture Peninsula Care Homes so that we can provide exceptional care to those who live and work within our homes today as well as for future generations.
Take a look around our website to find out more about life at our homes or contact us for a chat about your care needs and to arrange a visit.